Who we are
Our school offers a vibrant, fun, and educational environment where holistic education is our priority.
We strive to equip all our scholars with, not only, skills to succeed academically but also believe that instilling confidence, self-belief and igniting a child’s imagination are the skills that will equip our children and set them up for a life of success.

Nurturing young minds
for the future

6 months to 12 months (Babies)
Our caregivers will create the necessary resources and environment to stimulate your child to achieve the following milestones:
• Brings objects and toys to their mouth
• Shows curiosity and tries to get things that are out of reach
• Recognizes familiar faces as well as knows who a stranger is
• Likes to look in the mirror
• Responds to others and especially enjoys playing with parents or caregivers.

1 – 2 years (Toddlers) and 3 – 4-year-olds
This is informal with planned, differentiated activities set out for each day and include drawing, modelling, painting, reading, cutting, pasting, threading, construction work, assembling puzzles and blocks, playing with educational toys, fantasy play, etc. During the creativity hour, the teacher educates a small group of pupils at a time, teaching them specific school readiness skills related to the activity. Pupils are encouraged to engage in as many activities as possible, although the main activity is compulsory. Potty Training provided for kids who need it.

5- 6 years old (Grade R)
A formal and yet child friendly setup to help learners bridge the gap from grade 0 to grade 1 and to cope with the demands of formal schooling in primary school. Learners are given the opportunity to learn scholastic concepts in an environment that is relaxed and child friendly.
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14

Our Curriculum
We follow an integrated scientific approach based on developing the needs of a child as well as skills development. Our programme involves concepts developed by the Gauteng Education Department, the Early Childhood Development Programme (ELDA) and a School Readiness Programme, this includes language, creative activities, perception, maths, science, music, movement, stories, gross and fine motor co-ordination, news, show-and-tell, baking, etc. We research a theme every week and the teachers build their lessons around this theme wherever possible.
We also combine this with the Grow Learning Curriculum with all the children, as well as focus on the Practical Stimulation Program with all our babies.